Make a difference for survivors of childhood trauma

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Your corporate sponsorship is one of the most important keys to enabling orphanage survivors in Romania the opportunity to live a full and rewarding life as they move into adulthood.

Did you know:

◆We are the only organization bringing research-proven, body-based trauma recovery programming to orphans in Romania

◆The kids who spent their childhood tied into cribs - unable to walk or eat solid food until way past the preschool years - these are OUR young adults with whom we walk alongside with healing and hope

◆Romania has up to half a million survivors of institutional abuse and neglect

◆We are witnessing dramatic result as our youth are holding on to employment, strengthened in life-giving relationships, and growing in their ability to manage adult life

◆Some of the premier training institutes for psychologists, foster parents, and social workers in western Romania are begging us to continue our trauma-focused training with them

 During this season when so many organizations and individuals are unable to give, please consider the difference your essential gift can make. Trauma doesn’t take a break during Covid-19. And neither do we! 

Thank you for considering a corporate sponsorship, knowing that your gift encourages many, many more donors to come alongside in this important work. Thank you for your generous support!