We provide training for those who work with/care for trauma-impacted populations.


Individuals impacted by trauma can’t just magically leave it at home when they walk out the door each day. The effects of past abuse, neglect, abandonment, and overwhelming life events can severely impact survivors in every area of life – relationships, employment, community engagement, emotional wellbeing, and physical health. If we are to help impacted individuals grow and develop to their full potential, it’s critical to understand the effects of trauma and how to facilitate healing.

We specialize in helping organizations gain a deeper understanding of trauma and develop the tools necessary to radically transform the work they are doing. The latest neuroscience research tells us that the brain can change throughout the entire lifespan. This is so hopeful! But relying on intuition is simply not sufficient to understand what is going on with trauma survivors, or how to most effectively help them. We offer the theory and the hands-on skills necessary to maximize your impact.

Whether you are a social service agency, an educator, a community leader, or a business seeking to make a lasting impact in your community – we can design a training tailored to your specific needs.

Our trainers are certified in Traumatic Stress Studies (through the JRI Trauma Center in Boston), are certified Trust-Based Relation Intervention (TBRI) trainers with the Karyn Purivs Institute of Child Development and have extensive life experience with a broad range of ages, cultures, and life situations. We work with schools, orphanages, families, and social service and community development organizations.

We’ve experienced it first hand. And we’ve done our homework. We can help you increase your effectiveness!


for information on trainings

trauma-informed resources

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